Complementary Operational Program

Project title:



AXIS 3. ACTION 3.3.4 D
POC – Complementary Operational Program to the ERDF 2014-2020. R.G.D. no. 1392 of September 16, 2020. Action 3.3.4/D “Call for the activation, development, consolidation of SME aggregations for interventions on national and international markets that favor the recovery of tourist demand towards destinations and tourist products of the Veneto Region in line with the coordinated image of the Veneto Region 'Veneto, The Land of Venice'”.


The project 'Veneto Waterways: the water routes between nature and culture' aims to consolidate the long-standing experience and tourist offerings of river and lagoon navigation operators, through the unified proposal of products and services functional to the development of a new cross-tourism offer represented by Slow&Green experiences and holidays (river and lagoon itineraries, fishing tourism, bike&boat experiences, tastings on boats / restaurants / wineries / huts, Villas and Castles

along the navigable routes, kayak, cycling tourism, etc.), in line with the coordinated image 'Veneto the Land of Venice'. The tourist proposal, enhanced through the project, is consistent with the PSTV, the P.T.A. mentioned in the call and the strategic directions of the DMPs of the DMOs of the territory covered by the project. The proposing aggregation was established as a Temporary Purpose Association (ATS), with the participation of 23 economic operators whose leading company is HELLOVENETO – GENTES TOUR OPERATOR BY COGO PAOLO. Numerous regional operators in the navigation sector (river and lagoon) are represented, providing optimal coverage to the key thematic of the aggregation, offering the possibility to realize excursions or holidays where water becomes the central theme of the Slow&Green knowledge paths of the Veneto territory, as well as for bike&boat experiences, with heated boats, some electric, some accessible to the disabled. There are also SMEs related to associated services, such as travel agencies and tour operators, accommodation facilities, entities involved in bike and ebike rental, sport fishing experiences, in kayak, urban trekking, walks, cultural operators and catering, with the capacity to directly and effectively contribute to the qualification and promotion of the Veneto Waterways tourist products.
The call for the activation, development, consolidation of SME aggregations for interventions that favor the orientation to tourist demand and international markets funded within the framework of the POC Special Section ERDF – Complementary Operational Program Veneto 14-20 _Action 3.3.4 D_D.G.R. no. 1392/2020 awarded the ATS by allocating a non-repayable grant of € 471,130.58 against a total of planned investments of € 588,913.22.